Thursday 24 March 2016

verilog interview question part1

How to write FSM is verilog?

There are mainly 4 ways 2 write FSM code
1) using 1 process where all input decoder, present state, and output decoder r combine in one process.
2) using 2 process where all comb ckt and sequential ckt separated in different process
3) using 2 process where input decoder and persent state r combine and output decoder seperated in other process
4) using 3 process where all three, input decoder, present state and output decoder r separated in 3 process.

What is difference between freeze deposit and force?

$deposit(variable, value);

This system task sets a Verilog register or net to the specified value. variable is the register or net to be changed; value is the new value for the register or net. The value remains until there is a subsequent driver transaction or another $deposit task for the same register or net. This system task operates identically to the ModelSim

force -deposit command

The force command has -freeze, -drive, and -deposit options. When none of these is specified, then -freeze is assumed for unresolved signals and -drive is assumed for resolved signals. This is designed to provide compatibility with force files. But if you prefer -freeze as the default for both resolved and unresolved signals.

Will case infer priority register if yes how give an example?

yes case can infer priority register depending on coding style reg r;

// Priority encoded mux,

always @ (a or b or c or select2)
r = c;
case (select2)
2'b00: r = a;
2'b01: r = b;



Casex,z difference,which is preferable,why?

Special version of the case statement which uses a Z logic value to represent don't-care bits. CASEX :
Special version of the case statement which uses Z or X logic values to represent don't-care bits.
CASEZ should be used for case statements with wildcard don’t cares, otherwise use of CASE is required; CASEX should never be used.

This is because:

Don’t cares are not allowed in the "case" statement. Therefore casex or casez are required. Casex will automatically match any x or z with anything in the case statement. Casez will only match z’s -- x’s require an absolute match.

Given the following Verilog code, what value of "a" is displayed?

always @(clk) begin

a = 0;

#0 a <= 1;

This is a tricky one! Verilog scheduling semantics basically imply a, please run this code and get answer: write in the comment section

four-level deep queue for the current simulation time:

1: Active Events (blocking statements)

2: Inactive Events (#0 delays, etc)

3: Non-Blocking Assign Updates (non-blocking statements)

4: Monitor Events ($display, $monitor, etc).

Since the "a = 0" is an active event, it is scheduled into the 1st "queue". The "a <= 1" is a non-blocking event, so it's placed into the 3rd queue.

Finally, the display statement is placed into the 4th queue. Only events in the active queue are completed this sim cycle, so the "a = 0" happens, and then the display shows a = 0. If we were to look at the value of a in the next sim cycle, it would show 1.

What is the difference between the following two lines of Verilog code?

#5 a = b;

a = #5 b;

#5 a = b; Wait five time units before doing the action for "a = b;".

a = #5 b; The value of b is calculated and stored in an internal temp register,After five time units, assign this stored value to a.

What is the difference between -->

c = foo ? a : b;
if (foo) c = a;
else c = b;

The ? merges answers if the condition is "x", so for instance if foo = 1'bx, a = 'b10, and b = 'b11, you'd get c = 'b1x. On the other hand, if treats Xs or Zs as FALSE, so you'd always get c = b.

What are Intertial and Transport Delays ??

What does `timescale 1 ns/ 1 ps signify in a verilog code?

'timescale directive is a compiler directive.It is used to measure simulation time or delay time. Usage : `timescale / reference_time_unit : Specifies the unit of measurement for times and delays. time_precision: specifies the precision to which the delays are rounded off.

 What is the difference between === and == ?

output of "==" can be 1, 0 or X.

output of "===" can only be 0 or 1.

When you are comparing 2 nos using "==" and if one/both the numbers have one or more bits as "x" then the output would be "X" . But if use "===" outpout would be 0 or 1.

e.g A = 3'b1x0

B = 3'b10x

A == B will give X as output.

A === B will give 0 as output.

"==" is used for comparison of only 1's and 0's .It can't compare Xs. If any bit of the input is X output will be X

"===" is used for comparison of X also.

How to generate sine wav using verilog coding style?

A: The easiest and efficient way to generate sine wave is using CORDIC Algorithm.

 What is the difference between wire and reg?

Net types: (wire,tri)Physical connection between structural elements. Value assigned by a continuous assignment or a gate output. Register type: (reg, integer, time, real, real time) represents abstract data storage element. Assigned values only within an always statement or an initial statement. The main difference between wire and reg is wire cannot hold (store) the value when there no connection between a and b like a-&gt;b, if there is no connection in a and b, wire loose value. But reg can hold the value even if there in no connection. Default values:wire is Z,reg is x.

How do you implement the bi-directional ports in Verilog HDL?

module bidirec (oe, clk, inp, outp, bidir);

// Port Declaration

input oe;

input clk;

input [7:0] inp;

output [7:0] outp;

inout [7:0] bidir;

reg [7:0] a;

reg [7:0] b;

assign bidir = oe ? a : 8'bZ ;

assign outp = b;

// Always Construct

always @ (posedge clk)


b <= bidir;

a<= inp;



what is verilog case (1) ?

wire [3:0] x;

always @(...) begin

case (1'b1)







The case statement walks down the list of cases and executes the first one that matches. So here, if the lowest 1-bit of x is bit 2, then something3 is the statement that will get executed (or selected by the logic).

GO to -->

Physical design part1
Physical design part2
Physical design part3

verilog interview question part1
verilog interview question part2
verilog interview question part3

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