Thursday, 23 June 2011

SDC: Synopsys Design Constraints

SDC:  Synopsys Design Constraints: SDC has the following content:

  1. CLOCK DEFINITIONS:Create Clock Period.
  2. Generated Clock Definitions
  3. Input Delay
  4. Output Delay
  5. I/O delay
  6. Max delay
  7. Min Delay
  8. Multi cycle path
  9. False path
  10. Half cycle path
  11. Disable timing arcs
  12. Case Analysis

Clock Definition: 

  1. create_clock
  2. create_generated_clock
The above two are the most important statements in the SDC, there must be a proper clock definition. If these clock definitions are proper you might have to talk to the Synthesis Guy or look back to the synthesis stage
if you have many clocks (~100 clocks including generated), then it must to have their proper information to balance and fix timing.

Clock uncertainty: 

  1. set_clock_uncertainty
  2. set_clock_transition -rise/fall 

False Paths

  1. A path that can never be sensitized in the actual circuit
  2. These paths are those that are logically/functionally impossible
  3. The goal in static timing analysis is to do timing analysis on all “true” timing paths, these paths are excluded from timing analysis.
  1. set_false_path statements 
  2. set_false_path -from [get_clocks clk1] -to [get_clocks clk2]
  3. set_false_path -from [get_ports TX_REG1]

Multicycle path: 

  1. Those paths that require more than one clock period for execution are called as multi-cycle paths.
  2. It’s essential that multi-cycle paths in the design be identified both for synthesis and STA.
set_multicycle_path 1 -hold -end -from ff1/CP -to ff2/D

Operating conditions

“set_operating_conditions” statements specify the operating conditions for the design.
Specifying Ideal Networks – No optimizations required



  1. ""Suppose setup analysis gets 3 multi cycle path then Hold will get 2 multi cycle path by default if we don't specify hold multi cycle path to 2""----Why???

    1. Hold will not get default multicycle path to be 2.
      The hold check will always be done one edge before the setup capture edge.
      So you need to specify MCP for hold as well.

  2. Can we design floorplanning without use of. Sdc files

    1. Yes.. According to me.. Netlist, LEF and LIB is the most important files to start with the Floorplanning. SDC is most important and is a must in Placement and CTS Stage.

  3. how can we write sdc constraints for Combinational circuits like full adders

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