Friday, 1 August 2014

Redhawk inputs to Static & Dynamic power

1. DEF (*.def, *.defs) design files

Physical description of instances, power and ground network, and other circuit elements. If there are multiple .def files, you first need to create a file with an extension type .defs that specifies each individual .def file on a unique line with its absolute or relative path from the RedHawk run directory and the keyword "top" or "block" to indicate the top-level or block-level DEF file. As an alternative, the entire DEF file set can be included using the ‘DEF_FILES’ keyword in the GSR file.

2. LEF (*.lef, *.lefs) library files

Library Exchange Format file. Physical description of library cells.  If there are multiple LEF files, you first need to create a file with an extension .lefs that specifies each individual *.lef file on a unique line with its absolute or relative path from the RedHawk run directory. The first .lef file must contain the technology layer and via information. As an alternative, the entire set of LEF file data can be included under the ‘LEF_FILES’ keyword in the GSR file. Also, all of the following four keywords must be in the technology file, although they can be commented out, for RedHawk to recognize it as the technology LEF file: LAYER, TYPE, WIDTH, ROUTING

3. LIB file (*.lib) 

Synopsys-format library files contain logical descriptions of library cells, with power and timing tables, and are used for power calculation. As an alternative, the entire set of LIB file data can be included under the ‘LIB_FILES’ keyword in the GSR file. If you have multiple LIB files you first need to create a file with an extension .libs that specifies each individual *.lib file or .lib directory on a unique line with its absolute or relative .

4. Device models 

BSIM device models for simulation. eg APL

 5.  Standard cell SPICE netlists 

Spice netlists of standard cells and decoupling capacitor cells. SPICE model cards and library subcircuits. This is required to create the current profiles in the Apache Power Library.

6. STA file

Static Timing Analysis file. Produces instancespecific minimum/maximum transition times and defines the timing windows and clock network data. Required for signoff accuracy. The STA output file must be defined by the keyword ‘STA_FILE’ in the .gsr file. Also improves the accuracy of static IR power and voltage drop analysis. If the timing window information is missing for an instance, the power of  the instance is assumed to be zero unless the information is specified in the .gsr file with the BLOCK_POWER_FOR_SCALING keyword, or is available in the VCD_FILE.

7. SPEF file

Standard Parasitic Exchange File. Instance-specifc  signal wire parasitic data. Req’d for signoff accuracy. Note that when you have a hierarchical design, the following cases are acceptable: (1) Hierarchical DEF with hierarchical SPEF: every SPEF must be associated with a DEF block. (2) Hierarchical DEF with flattened SPEF (3) Flattened DEF with flattened SPEF. To perform PsiWinder timing analysis in signal integrity mode, coupling capacitance data must be provided.

8. VCD file

Value Change Dump file for determining net toggling activity and peak power. Required by vcdtrans/ vcdscan utilities for VCD-based analysis. If VCD files are available, then the ‘VCD_FILE’ keyword can be used to read the net toggling information from the VCD files. If VCD files are not available, you can specify the default toggle rate and running frequencies in the .gsr file.

9. GDSII file 

Physical description of circuit elements to create DEF views. Used by gds2def/gds2rh utilities. Required for accurate analysis of memories, flip-chip bump layer descriptions and analog blocks, which may only be available in GDSII format, and is converted using RedHawk’s GDSII data preparation utilities, gds2def/ gds2rh, gds2def -m/gds2rh -m. The GDS cells can be imported using the GSR file keyword GDS_CELLS, which lists the cells and the path to where the gds2def/gds2rh utility was run.

10. Technology file (*.tech)

Design-specific file containing metal layer and package information for each process corner.

11. GDS layer map file

To enable GDS layer number to LEF layer name mapping.

12. Global System Requirement file (*.gsr) 

Design-specific information for operating conditions and analysis parameters such as global specs for VDD nets, clock roots and their respective frequencies, default logic toggle rate, and switching conditions of special nets such as reset nets, I/O nets, and I/O pin output loadings. The GSR also contains specifications for other input files. Make sure that the GSR file contains file paths and names for all needed files, such as TECH, pad, STA, DEF, LEF, LIB, VCD, GDS, SPEF, and package.

13. Pad files (.ploc, .pad, or .pcell) 

Power and ground pad descriptions, cell names, instance names, and X,Y locations.

Block diagram of all I/O

Reference Redhawk manual reference 

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